1-20-96 Ender's map list A list of maps included in the "Endpud1.zip" file. Player Co-operative levels (can be played one player) 1: Endfort1.pud -128x128 (2player) Best team pud I've ever made, or even seen, requires all 6 computer players. Try it if you got the guts. 2: Endgrid1.pud -128x128 (2player) My first map, a twist on the "Four corners" pud included in the game. Requires 3 computer players. 3. Endrock2.pud -128x128 (2players) Co-op with rocks everywhere, but room for big battles, one computer player. Player V.S. Player levels 1: Endwatr1.pud -128x128 (2player) almost all water but enough room for some development, great for massive naval battles. 2. Endwatr2.pud - 96x96 (2players) The land of rivers. 3: Endrock1.pud -96x96 (2player) Limited supply level, no gold mines but you start with $100 grand. Good for a change in strategies, can be played with one computer player. 4. Endwood1.pud -128x128 (2-4players) All heavily forested. 5. Endwood2.pud -128x128 (2players) An allyway, great for all out heavy battles. 6. Endwood3.pud 96x96 (2players) More of the same, lots-o-forest, good one to play on. All of these maps are made by me, Ender. All are designed to be played with settings at "Map default" everything. Have fun and make sure you read the above list before playing a level, Especially the team games so you know how many computer players to include. Have fun, after all that's what these are made for. Have any comments or suggestions, or if your just board and want to send E-mail to a warcraft junky(grin) my Internet address is: "thesam@ix.netcom.com" This is for Warcraft 2 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard holds all rights to the game and the map editor used to make these maps, thanks guys for making one of the best cross modem war games ever.